71.   For example, two coaches at different schools spent two days in mediation because one was angry with the other for supposedly stealing his star players.

72.   For months, Mientkiewicz was angry with Minnesota Manager Tom Kelly for lumping him into a group of young, but petulant talents.

73.   For several years the majority of Americans have been angry with politics as usual and have wanted change.

74.   Goldberg said she was particularly angry with Riordan over his refusal to meet with her before he made his decision.

75.   Frustrated users say they are angry with AtHome for not delivering what it promised and for lax customer service.

76.   He added that he was not angry with the organization.

77.   Gun enthusiasts are angry with him for passing a ban on assault rifles.

78.   He is very angry with Mehmood.

79.   He also is angry with Truman Medical Center, where Tiffany was born, because he believes Robinson made contact with Lisa there.

80.   He said he was personally pleased that Clinton is coming to Greece but was angry with the government for seeking to silence those who disagreed with him.

v. + angry + with >>共 9
be 81.62%
get 7.30%
become 5.95%
grow 1.89%
feel 1.08%
remain 1.08%
appear 0.54%
make 0.27%
stay 0.27%
be + angry + p. >>共 17
at 37.08%
with 23.23%
about 22.77%
over 11.31%
after 1.38%
for 0.77%
than 0.77%
as 0.54%
in 0.54%
on 0.46%
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