41.   A spokesman for Friends of the Earth described the Act as a charter for blackmailers and vandals.

42.   A spokeswoman for Friends of the Earth described the withdrawal as a victory for public pressure and the environmental groups.

43.   The Comintern described Social Democracy as social fascism and forced its constituent sections to break off all relations with the official Labour movement.

44.   One vet called in to treat some of the animals has described the farm as a house of horrors.

45.   He describes them as an investment, but critics describe the paintings as worthless rubbish.

46.   Police and fellow students have described his killing as a tragedy.

47.   The judge described their crimes as a campaign of economic sabotage.

48.   Parking problems and traffic congestion have prompted one local councillor to describe the International Air Tattoo as a shambles.

49.   Sibylle Alexander describes her experience as a protagonist in this story with grace and eloquence.

50.   But Mr Tait described the row as a storm in a teacup.

v. + n + as + n >>共 814
use 8.80%
see 5.60%
describe 3.00%
identify 2.31%
take 2.16%
have 2.00%
view 1.97%
be 1.39%
make 1.38%
regard 1.27%
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