1.   Booths nearby offered hunting licenses, hanging plants, used books and gravestones.

2.   By buying used books you can save money and read on your own schedule without having to worry about library late fines.

3.   The company does not offer students the ability to sell their books back, nor does it sell used books.

4.   The company pays more on average for used books at the end of the school year, Tuori said.

5.   The Internet market for used books has had a banner year.

6.   The Web has made it easier to track down used books, but not without a price, according to a study by two Ohio University professors.

7.   They also buy used books, and exchange them with friends.

8.   Used books are usually more than fine, but not this time of year.

9.   Women have begun buying used books to save money, which means sales of new books are softening, she added.

10.   Francisco Sosa has spent most of his life as a street vendor selling apples, used books, ice cream and clothes in a Caracas slum.

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