1.   His college library had provided two books.

2.   There will also be two books and a series of training courses for head teachers and others with managerial responsibilities in schools.

3.   They perhaps had to give two books up.

4.   So his got one, I noticed he has two books the other day.

5.   And the characters remain likable even when the screenplay, written by William Stadiem and inspired by two books by Barbara Skelton, sends them jumping through predictable hoops.

6.   Armed with the knowledge from two books given to him by his father and his sister and his own natural ability, Collins was soon beating the neighbor.

7.   At Barnes and Noble, I was looking for two books.

8.   Baiul has her own line of skating attire and has penned two books, one about her life, another about skating technique.

9.   A veteran Washington reporter examines the American presidency in two books.

10.   After she retired she wrote two books about the circus, and led the examination committee of the Moscow Circus School.

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