1.   This theme runs through the whole book.

2.   This will help you to Decide whether you really need to read the whole book or only certain parts of it.

3.   You are in effect trying to gain an overall perspective on the whole book or topic, as well as its constituent parts.

4.   What finish the whole book?

5.   As for what ties the whole book together, the secret is as elusive and complex as in any work of literary art.

6.   In the course of the flight, I read the whole book and made a few notes and found I enjoyed it.

7.   It is not frigidity but passion in a different language, though it will take the whole book to suggest it.

8.   One kid, the class egghead, is elected to speed-read the whole book, to find out where the dirt is.

9.   The jury wanted the whole book.

10.   The whole book feels like that.

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