1.   But what I really want is for the book to be read and enjoyed by the people who read the other books.

2.   It is unknown when the other books will be published.

3.   Like the other books, it is being snapped up by their fans.

4.   The other books have proven a bit more elusive.

5.   The other books are available secondhand from Kitchen Arts and Letters in New York and on the Internet.

6.   The other books have been purchased in limited numbers by bookstores, most of them small, or by mail order directly from their home.

7.   The other books tend to flow a little more easily or naturally.

8.   Most of the proposals are covered in the other books, but aides said the new one is designed to offer details to undecided voters.

9.   The group said it would seek bans on the other books and sue all eight companies for damages if the court concedes to their first demand.

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