1.   A title for the new book is still under discussion.

2.   In the new book, the original camp meeting episode is published as an appendix.

3.   Is the new book also an autobiography?

4.   The new book has a broader scope.

5.   The new book chronicles the chain of events leading up to the crime.

6.   And as far as the new book is concerned, doubt abounds.

7.   Because the title of the new book would be meaningless in French, he has been trying to think of an alternative.

8.   A bureaucrat who is just the kind of fellow whom van Wolferen takes apart squirmed the other day when the topic of the new book came up.

9.   After he left, I dipped into his piece in the new book.

10.   But if the new book has many of the same characteristics as her past crime stories, Rendell continues to bring new tricks to the trade.

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