41.   Further on in the book we find a full description of the system.

42.   He closed the book and slipped it into a polythene bag.

43.   He had copies of the book printed at his own expense.

44.   He promised to give the book back.

45.   He seems like a nice enough guy, so you buy the book, you start to read it.

46.   He swears in an affidavit that he received no payment for assisting Pepper with the book.

47.   He turned the chair around, positioning himself with his back to the window, and opened the book.

48.   He was able to draw on his own experience as a diplomat when he was writing the book.

49.   His picture is on the cover of the book.

50.   Hopefully the book will help you not only to identify the polarities but also to see the means of fruitful reconciliation.

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