1.   A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

2.   Though other books may be just as good or even better on one particular feature.

3.   Compared with other books, I found this book the most difficult to write, but also the most satisfying to have written.

4.   Whereas other books have often received unfavourable reviews, Style in Fiction has received the most favourable reviews of any book of which I have been an author.

5.   The books are written in a different form to other books.

6.   I thought I had other books?

7.   And there may be other books along these lines, Reed said.

8.   As a result, the general retailers draw traffic from traditional bookstores, and sales of discounted best sellers grow at the expense of other books.

9.   As for the Quran or other books you need, please let me know and I shall send them to you.

10.   According to Publishers Weekly, part of the settlement requires that independent parties review other books by Dailey to determine whether there has been more plagiarism.

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