11.   It was just beautiful the most beautiful night of my life.

12.   It was served outside in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen.

13.   It was the most beautiful house I had ever seen.

14.   It was without doubt the most beautiful thing she had ever owned, or ever would.

15.   Ludovico was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

16.   Meadowgate Farm was situated in one of the most beautiful valleys around Mitford.

17.   Now she was under a Christmas tree, the most beautiful and best-Decorated tree she could imagine.

18.   Over the years, Rapunzel grew the longest, most beautiful hair in the world.

19.   Parents always believe that their baby is the most beautiful baby in the world.

20.   Port-au-Prince rises like an amphitheatre above one of the most beautiful bays in the world.

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