1.   But nice to see you, you're looking good at amazing speeds!

2.   does anyone else feel like they looked good at one single point in their life, but can't remember when or why?

3.   He didn't look too good at Old-Timer's day.

4.   He looking good at the plate?

5.   Horse looked good at 96 mile.

6.   I decided to use the Bee picture for my desktop wallpaper; it looks quite good at that size.

7.   It's looking good at the mo hope the weather is kind.

8.   It isn't exactly looking good at the moment!

9.   Looked good at IMAX though; some scenes were full size

10.   Looks good at a glance...don't have the time to sit through a 20min edit at the moment.

v. + good + at >>共 12
be 86.43%
get 6.67%
look 2.71%
feel 0.90%
sound 0.68%
go 0.57%
taste 0.57%
become 0.45%
find 0.34%
smell 0.34%
look + good + p. >>共 30
in 24.11%
on 22.50%
for 19.29%
with 8.04%
to 6.96%
as 4.64%
at 4.29%
from 2.50%
@ 1.25%
after 0.54%
每页显示:    共 24