61.   Infisa bought a controlling stake in the company and has since cleared the debt from its books.

62.   It has always applied conservative accounting practices, never describing as fee income the portion of income it receives for guaranteeing the securitized loans on its books.

63.   It said it is seeking guidance from the Securities and Exchange Commission on how to engineer a major write-off to bring its books back into balance.

64.   It is also cleansing its books and trimming its size to prepare for the next bout of fierce competition.

65.   It will, though, allow other potential bidders, including the Onex group, access to its books, the company said.

66.   It was set up, in part, to invest in entities that Enron controlled and to purchase investments that Enron did not want on its books.

67.   It ranks among the top five banks nationwide in return on assets and in keeping bad loans off its books.

68.   Its books look good.

69.   Later, Ahmanson also said a majority of shareholders supported a fourth proposal that would require Great Western to open its books and negotiate in good faith.

70.   Like virtually all regional orchestras, the Hudson Valley Philharmonic has always struggled to balance its books.

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