1.   Clearly distinguish between primary and secondary sources, and between the different types of history books.

2.   History books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors.

3.   History books have their main ideas, supporting evidence and factual details arranged in a particular manner.

4.   HISTORY books will have to be rewritten in the light of archaeological research at Canterbury Cathedral which shows there was a massive church there in Anglo-Saxon times.

5.   An artist renowned in his or her lifetime may be obliterated from history books.

6.   And like the last two-term president, Ronald Reagan, Clinton has shown that he wants his foreign policy to earn a mention in history books.

7.   Archaeologists have found no mention of Mary Ann Hall in history books, but have uncovered bureaucratic records of her bordello in the federal census.

8.   As far as she is concerned, lessons of the Confederacy can be better taught in history books.

9.   At one point, he declares that the problem with history books is that they have no mention of the beautiful landscapes in which said history transpired.

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