1.   The author cross-refers to his other books.

2.   His other books are completely different.

3.   His other books included studies of Antonin Artaud and Pinter.

4.   His other books could be donated to the library, Ian said.

5.   His other books dealt with subjects ranging from grief to alcoholism to premarital counseling.

6.   It became a best seller and a movie only after he made his reputation with his other books.

7.   Twice as long as his other books, it is his first extended work of historical fiction.

8.   What derails Dyson, and what has also been a failing in his other books, is his compulsive need to prove his street edge with suspect arguments.

9.   Ambrose was unsure if his other books had similar problems.

10.   His other books explored the political and economic history of Italy.

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