91.   Abrams uses business case studies to illustrate the various mom-isms in her book.

92.   After finishing her book and feeling a need to get away from dieting madness, Fraser attended a cooking school in Tuscany, she writes.

93.   After another week of book signings in the United States, Morton will head home to England, where Lewinsky will already be promoting her book.

94.   After Butler had written her book, one of her sisters sent her recently discovered audio tapes of her father doing comedy routines.

95.   After reading her book, I still do.

96.   After takeoff, she reached into her bag for her book.

97.   All of the women in her book struggle with the relentless demands of domestic life.

98.   All of these cultural tastes flavor her book.

99.   Also, sales of her book increased dramatically after the movie.

100.   Boss notes in her book that there is a natural tendency to place blame when things go so wrong.

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