1.   And don't spend a bunch of resources getting too good at a lot of things that aren't as important

2.   To get good at anything, you have to work, while children themselves never tend to work, which is why the parents should override their children's preferences.

3.   Games must be played a multitude of times if one hopes to get good at them, and this is a fun process to go through.

4.   Games must be played a multitude of times if one hope to get good at them, and this is a fun process to go through.

5.   If we want to get an eye good at seeking beauty, we must have a good knowledge of art and literature.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 98.83%
become 0.38%
make 0.30%
feel 0.15%
get 0.13%
keep 0.08%
find 0.03%
seem 0.03%
smell 0.03%
take 0.03%
get + good + p. >>共 4
at 41.67%
for 25.00%
from 16.67%
with 16.67%
每页显示:    共 5