1.   Everybody got good at that, and now we've gone to a defensive league without much scoring."

2.   Florio responded: "Jon is getting very good at the political art of squirming off the hook.

3.   --Getting good at committee might seem to interfere with being promoted.

4.   He is getting rather good at them.

5.   He is getting very good at watching, but Celtics hoop el jefe M.L. Carr said he isn't going to rush the rook back anytime soon.

6.   He got pretty good at copying Babe Ruth's autograph, too.

7.   He has gotten pretty good at it, and it's the basis for his run-up in the polls.

8.   He sounds like somebody who's decided that he wants to tell the truth, and who's gotten pretty good at it.

9.   Here's a word I'm getting good at: NO!

10.   He's gotten pretty good at it, actually, and shown remarkable patience, despite going solo all week.

v. + good + at >>共 13
be 90.17%
get 4.07%
feel 1.88%
look 1.52%
become 1.37%
sound 0.36%
make 0.24%
seem 0.18%
prove 0.09%
find 0.03%
get + good + p. >>共 15
at 79.29%
of 4.14%
for 3.55%
out_of 2.37%
with 2.37%
as 1.78%
about 1.18%
by 1.18%
after 0.59%
before 0.59%
每页显示:    共 134