51.   Lott said Friday that the Senate would move on Monday to consider that bill.

52.   MacAulay said that Canada is exploring the possibility of an identification card for immigrants and that the Canadian senate is considering a bill that would tighten immigration rules.

53.   McCain instantly demanded that the bill be considered by the Senate before Memorial Day.

54.   Missouri, Maryland and Michigan have considered bills requiring premarital prep.

55.   Mrs. Clinton said that she considered the bill introduced by the Senate majority leader, George J. Mitchell of Maine, to be a universal coverage bill.

56.   Murkowski said his committee would consider the bill in September, after the August break.

57.   New Jersey lawmakers are also considering a bill that would force the state fund to sell its smoke shares.

58.   No, representatives of the federal agencies explained, but Congress is considering several bills, including ones that would criminalize some types of spam.

59.   Now Congress is considering a bill that could alter or abolish the practice.

60.   Now, the Missouri and Kansas legislatures are considering bills that would add criminal penalties for unfair lending practices.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
pass 9.37%
sign 6.22%
approve 5.78%
veto 5.68%
introduce 5.33%
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support 2.89%
foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
consider 1.33%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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