81.   I'd consider because I don't like cleaning frother nozzles.

82.   I'd consider buying one for my son to use.

83.   I'd consider for my den if it was any cheaper.

84.   I'd consider it a favor!

85.   I'd consider maybe Greenmount/York, Loch Raven Blvd, Route 40, Pulaski Hwy, Harford Rd, Reisterstown Rd, Northern Pkwy, 83.

86.   I'd consider moving to Alaska if Michael Palin ran for office.

87.   I'd consider purchasing the iPhone in the future if I needed mobile access to email etc.

88.   I'd consider stalking hopefully raping him.

89.   I'd consider that more comical than terrible....

90.   I'd consider you a lot less boring if you would have done MY laundry too...

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