61.   - may consider dupl. Re: -URL- Supports the rest.

62.   - maybe people should consider keeping their shit off the show

63.   consider @user346303 pinched!

64.   consider 200 dolls in booster seats being forced to drink fake tea

65.   Consider a $10 donation to -URL- @user63938 - friend is opening a Ballet School for Children in Kigali, Rwanda.

66.   consider a raspberry blown at you :-) *smelling salts*

67.   Consider also that Rolen is old and will decline.

68.   Consider both as you embrace the moment- NOW!

69.   Consider calling the dog-ambulance :( -URL-

70.   Consider CLICKing :: @user201167 reviews the June 27 Explosions In The-NL-Sky / Eluvium / No Age show :: -URL-

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