1.   As a result they become very good at shopping and can derive benefits from the skill.

2.   During the 1960s we became really good at expressing collective sadness over the murders of public men who touched private lives.

3.   Early reports say that, under the President's tutelage, the first daughter has become exceptionally good at cruising for chicks."

4.   EarthLink exec Lance Weatherby says the wireless market is the next big market for the type of Internet access Earthlink has become so good at providing.

5.   FTC consumer protection authorities said scam artists have become good at providing bogus references, and changing corporate identities frequently to stay ahead of Better Business Bureau complaints.

6.   He's become very good at town meetings.

7.   His turns were a bit wide so I had this brilliant idea to have him drive around a cul.MDBR/-.MDNM/de.MDBR/-.MDNM/sac over and over until he became good at turning.

8.   I became pretty good at doing that, too.

9.   I even became quite good at it.

10.   I may have never excelled at baseball, but I became very good at picnics and barbecues.

v. + good + at >>共 13
be 90.17%
get 4.07%
feel 1.88%
look 1.52%
become 1.37%
sound 0.36%
make 0.24%
seem 0.18%
prove 0.09%
find 0.03%
become + good + p. >>共 10
at 81.82%
with 3.64%
around 1.82%
because_of 1.82%
by 1.82%
for 1.82%
in 1.82%
of 1.82%
over 1.82%
through 1.82 %
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