81.   The novellas change stories every four months, with a new book, a new tale, new actors and actresses.

82.   Then Harold Schechter decided to tell his story in a new book.

83.   Then people began to groan, Batten, the former chairman of parent Landmark Communications, recalls in a new book.

84.   There is food and a talk, usually by someone smart working on a new book.

85.   These days Mrs. Cleary has a few ideas for a new book but no plans to continue the Ramona series.

86.   They do have a new book, however, and are in the Valley for a signing.

87.   These views are being expressed by a top New York judge in a new book.

88.   Though little discussed, this entrenched cultural heritage exacts a heavy toll on Latinas who live in the United States, say the authors of a new book.

89.   Two years later, the global economy is still kicking, and, in a new book, Soros is taking back his grave forecasts.

90.   When Bombeck had a new book out, she would be a guest speaker, guaranteeing a sellout.

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