11.   Eric wandered through, he of the seagull, with a book.

12.   Finally I went downstairs and sat in a chair with a book.

13.   He also keeps quiet and to himself, scribbling notes, thumbing through a book.

14.   He felt he ought now to be thinking of writing a book - but on what?

15.   He got a little tired of her complaints that male chauvinism had stopped her getting a book out.

16.   He repaired to it, deposited three dollars, borrowed a book and some sheet music, and then bought a violin.

17.   Herscovici is also thinking of writing a book based on his long conversations with Georgette Magritte.

18.   His wartime experiences would fill a book!

19.   I look at a book, and I drink warm milk.

20.   I looked over and saw that Gordon had opened a book.

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