71.   From his base in London, Abedi, a natty dresser who favored pink shirts, pinstripes, and lizard shoes, was an international financial force.

72.   Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said the discussions will focus on what kind of international force should enforce a peace settlement inside Kosovo.

73.   Gunmen opened fire on an observation post for international forces Saturday, marking the third day in a row that violence has shaken the capital.

74.   Had they performed that duty, there would be no need for the international force now being created.

75.   Hamid Karzai, the leader of the interim government, has also appealed for an expansion of the international force.

76.   Greenpeace says that being an international force is precisely the point.

77.   He also suggested that the international monitoring force could be done away with altogether if the process of organizing it proves too cumbersome.

78.   He also said all the Kosovar refugees should return, and that an international force, under UN auspices, should establish and protect the peace.

79.   He has no national army to enforce his will, nor does the international peacekeeping force in Kabul have the mandate to move outside the capital.

80.   He has offered to send a contingent of American troops as part of a Canadian-led international force, provided certain reasonable ground rules are honored.

a. + force >>共 666
peacekeeping 7.32%
israeli 6.17%
serb 5.98%
russian 5.58%
military 4.81%
international 3.30%
multinational 2.62%
driving 1.82%
american 1.71%
political 1.40%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
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