61.   Investors were concerned that a stronger peso would make Mexican companies less competitive and hurt earnings at exporters.

62.   It also makes imported goods more expensive, which can boost sales of Mexican companies which focus their efforts on supplying the local market.

63.   It also reduces company earnings by making it more expensive for Mexican companies to pay for imported raw materials and service dollar-denominated debts.

64.   It bought the surety-bond unit of the Mexican financial company Grupo Financiero Serfin last year.

65.   International companies interested in bidding for the concessions must form consortia with Mexican companies.

66.   It also threatens Mexican companies that have dollar-denominated debts with higher foreign exchange losses.

67.   It is having an effect on ventures like Etecsa, owned by the Cuban government and a Mexican company.

68.   It was the largest acquisition ever by a Mexican company of a U.S. company, and it made Cemex the largest cement producer in the United States.

69.   James Upton, Latin American equity strategist at Credit Suisse First Boston, said he liked the outlook for two Mexican companies involved in construction.

70.   Just today, Bell Atlantic Corp. got the go-ahead from Mexico to assume management of the second-largest Mexican cellular company.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
mexican 0.27%
mexican + n. >>共 714
government 7.24%
stock 4.58%
official 4.43%
authority 2.39%
peso 2.35%
border 2.07%
truck 1.93%
economy 1.91%
immigrant 1.73%
company 1.65%
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