61.   Earlier this week, the college announced plans to extend to a second campus either in the Grassmarket or near Leith.

62.   The Jockey Club yesterday announced plans to maintain its Sunday racing campaign by sanctioning a mixed meeting of flat and jump racing at the Surrey track.

63.   Mr Kostikov said the president would announce his plans in the next few days.

64.   In his keynote speech in Aberdeen, Mr Lang announced plans to bring in non-educationists in every school inspection team within two years.

65.   Announcing the plan to sell off the Rosyth and Devonport dockyards, Mr Rifkind said that privatization would benefit the Navy, the taxpayers and the yards themselves.

66.   Almost a year after being booted from his first Branson theater, entertainer Wayne Newton announced plans Monday to return to the Ozarks.

67.   Already, Lehman Brothers has announced plans to bring back suits and ties.

68.   Although others have announced similar plans in the past, this was the first time credible researchers had made such a public assertion.

69.   Already, some firms have announced plans that Levitt has made clear he finds obnoxious.

70.   Also on Friday, Gov. Pete Wilson announced plans to create a new Department of Managed Care to oversee the industry.

v. + plan >>共 563
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plan 11.97%
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candidacy 1.73%
date 1.64%
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