51.   Even so, the business office still was reimbursed by sending unpaid bills to the Medical Command.

52.   Even then, Aristide could send the bill back to the parliament within eight days, singling out whatever provisions he objected to and asking for changes.

53.   Fewer Democrats will make the Republican party more resistant to allowing Democratic amendments to be heard and help them fend off motions to send bills back to committee.

54.   For most cell phones the primary service area will be the address where bills are sent.

55.   For three years, Clinton has postponed sending the bill to Congress.

56.   Former Speaker of the House Peter Rudy Wallace, D-St. Petersburg, sent the bill to the health care committee.

57.   He made it clear, however, that he would just as soon send the bills to Clinton as Congress approves them.

58.   He said he would send the bill to the House floor for a vote soon after.

59.   He needs now to work toward that goal in a way that avoids the dangers of a House-Senate conference and sends the bill quickly to President Bush.

60.   Hollings said he could not understand why the administration waited so long to send the bill to Congress.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
pass 9.37%
sign 6.22%
approve 5.78%
veto 5.68%
introduce 5.33%
oppose 3.10%
support 2.89%
foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
bill 0.81%
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