41.   But Johnson said the network canceled the plan at the last minute because it feared problems with the production quality.

42.   But last week, Trump said that the Whitman administration threatened to pull his casino license if he went forward with the advertisements, so he canceled those plans.

43.   But Monday, after Lees and Inman reached their accord, the GOP activists circulating the letter were sufficiently mollified to cancel plans to send the letter.

44.   But Russian politicians no longer trust NATO, and Sergeyev canceled plans to attend a NATO meeting Friday in Brussels.

45.   But Silver canceled those plans Wednesday, saying he did not want to impede new progress in the negotiations.

46.   But they said that when Arafat learned that the museum would not welcome him in the style he thought he deserved, he canceled the plans.

47.   But today she says she feels discouraged over the future of Haiti, forcing her to cancel the plans for her property, which have received worldwide publicity.

48.   But without the road and tunnel, Wynn said, he would cancel his plans.

49.   Call it a glut of housing on the market as many visitors have canceled their plans to attend the Winter Games.

50.   By last year, the company was so far from reaching these goals that the bonus plan was canceled.

v. + plan >>共 563
have 17.42%
announce 10.06%
make 3.42%
approve 3.42%
discuss 2.84%
reject 1.79%
oppose 1.69%
cancel 1.65%
accept 1.43%
abandon 1.36%
cancel + n. >>共 703
flight 8.50%
trip 7.24%
plan 5.91%
meeting 4.62%
visit 4.06%
contract 2.78%
order 2.22%
class 2.15%
event 1.97%
game 1.59%
每页显示:    共 473