31.   A coalition of conservative Republican lawmakers also has opposed any plan to legalize illegal immigrants.

32.   A number of environmental groups oppose the plan, and have proposed an alternative plan for the grizzlies.

33.   A pivotal Republican senator says he is inclined to oppose the plan as drafted.

34.   A majority of PUC commissioners, however, staunchly oppose overlay plans, which consumers tend to find cumbersome.

35.   After four hours of presentations by agency officials on the cuts, the board began hearing comments from people who opposed the plan.

36.   All six candidates said they opposed any plan that would use public funds to move Yankee Stadium from the Bronx to Manhattan.

37.   All Russian politicians vehemently oppose plans to expand NATO into Central and Eastern Europe.

38.   Both Russia and China adamantly oppose the plan to build a national missile defense because they consider it a threat to their own nuclear deterrent.

39.   But Connerly did not indicate he would oppose the plan.

40.   But conservative activists, wary of federal land grabs, have teamed up with northeastern environmentalists, to oppose the plan.

v. + plan >>共 563
have 17.42%
announce 10.06%
make 3.42%
approve 3.42%
discuss 2.84%
reject 1.79%
oppose 1.69%
cancel 1.65%
accept 1.43%
abandon 1.36%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
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