21.   We have, therefore, immediately lodged an appeal, which will be heard within the next few weeks.

22.   Bosses of Secrets in Litherland are able to continue operating while an appeal is lodged.

23.   He said it appeared that the union would have to lodge its appeal before Monday.

24.   KLM lodged the appeal together with seven other European airlines and the British government at the Court of first instance in Luxembourg.

25.   Others have enlisted the city of Pacifica, which has lodged an appeal with the Federal Insurance Administration.

26.   The case could take up to another year to complete, BP said, although it would not say when its appeal would be lodged.

27.   The firm said it would lodge an appeal against the order.

28.   The panel said it would provide both parties with detailed reasons behind its decision early next week, at which time WPP has the option of lodging another appeal.

29.   The trash can relay had to be rerun after several appeals were lodged.

30.   Protesters said they will lodge an appeal next week asking for the temporary suspension of mining operations and for the government permit to be canceled.

v. + appeal >>共 520
file 8.68%
reject 7.24%
have 6.73%
make 5.74%
hear 5.53%
pend 3.98%
consider 3.95%
lose 3.65%
lodge 2.18%
issue 2.09%
lodge + n. >>共 142
complaint 27.77%
protest 19.84%
appeal 12.96%
report 6.15%
charge 4.13%
claim 2.75%
bullet 2.59%
objection 2.43%
application 1.46%
request 1.46%
每页显示:    共 159