21.   Board members adopted several measures Thursday to support new state laws aimed at getting more minorities into college.

22.   Brady bonds rose for a fourth day as investors bet Venezuela and Brazil would soon adopt anti-inflation measures now being debated.

23.   A democratic society, feeling threatened, may put aside legal norms and adopt authoritarian measures.

24.   A spokesman for Airborne, Tom Branigan, would not discuss security details, but said Airborne immediately adopted preventive measures in areas that the company viewed as unsafe.

25.   Adopt measures that address existing terrorist methods, but also try to anticipate new methods and technologies.

26.   After a series of lagoon breaks and major fish kills on the Neuse and New rivers, the state legislature adopted several measures to regulate hogs.

27.   After that vote, the Senate quickly adopted the measure on a voice vote.

28.   Albany did not get around to adopting the measure until a last-minute rush of votes before adjourning in late July.

29.   Again, if the deficit appears to be getting out of line with those targets, the government will consult with the IMF on what measures to adopt.

30.   But for most people who develop eating disorders, it is not the demands of a particular endeavor that lead them to adopt extreme measures to lose weight.

v. + measure >>共 446
take 15.60%
approve 4.95%
oppose 3.96%
pass 3.61%
support 2.75%
announce 2.72%
veto 2.52%
adopt 2.38%
introduce 2.35%
include 1.99%
adopt + n. >>共 790
resolution 6.22%
child 5.58%
policy 5.10%
measure 4.35%
law 3.87%
rule 3.05%
euro 2.72%
plan 2.48%
legislation 1.98%
standard 1.84%
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