1.   A varied diet of earthworms, aquatic insects, shrimps, small fish and tablet foods will keep it in good health.

2.   About once a month I rub wax into the table to keep it in good condition.

3.   After all, what right have they to keep it to themselves?

4.   Alternatively, unplug the telephone but keep it near the socket for emergency use.

5.   Any kind of open fire needs a considerable volume of fuel to keep it alight.

6.   Branson knew who the killer was, but had kept it to himself for twenty years.

7.   But a simple squat can exercise most of the muscles in the body and yet keep it in perfect balance.

8.   But tribes with casinos are starting to use some of their profits to buy land and keep it from being destroyed.

9.   Give the dough a quarter turn to keep it from sticking to the work surface.

10.   He never wore it again after that first week, but his secretary kept it for three Decades.

v. + it >>共 1105
do 5.90%
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have 1.14%
get 1.09%
keep 0.66%
keep + r. >>共 53
he 27.49%
they 27.21%
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she 5.27%
that 3.27%
you 2.44%
we 2.36%
i 2.19%
which 1.08%
this 0.76%
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