81.   In history books, de Graf is described as tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed and white.

82.   Khmer Rouge missing from history books.

83.   Later, he read history books and visited war museums.

84.   Law students and historians, for example, need Dutch to study and to do research because many law reports and history books are written in Dutch.

85.   Most Russians only know of Nicholas II from history books.

86.   On Friday, the government scrapped the foreign language requirement and canceled the planned rewriting of history books.

87.   Shooting should be something they read about in history books.

88.   Students living in Alexander Hall today admit they know little about the shooting that made national headlines and history books.

89.   The statehood struggle may now be the stuff of history books, but some of the same conflicts with the federal government that drove that quest remain.

90.   Thereafter, the Chinese and the Scandinavians lost their rights in history books.

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