61.   Avraham Burg, the Parliament speaker and a presumed future candidate for Labor Party leader, agreed that there is a crisis of faith in the peace bloc.

62.   Better earnings are ahead, in part because the agriculture crisis is over, analysts said.

63.   Besides, if there were a crisis, what could I possibly offer the staff in Fort Worth other than kind words?

64.   Both critics and supporters of the agreement, however, say that the North Korea crisis was a sign of things to come.

65.   A crisis is when your husband has an affair.

66.   A crisis is when your kid gets sick.

67.   A financial crisis is always great drama, complete with pictures of panicking, shouting traders and a grave chorus of dark-suited experts punctuating the news bulletins.

68.   A financial crisis is one thing.

69.   A full-blown crisis is different.

70.   A great national chat session will, of course, commence over whether the deepening Monica Lewinsky crisis was a factor in the decision to strike.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
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crisis 0.06%
crisis + v. >>共 514
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erupt 2.44%
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