61.   If you have a self-cleaning oven, consider using the self-cleaning feature immediately after baking when the oven is already hot.

62.   If you are considering using a kennel or cattery service, here are some things to look at when deciding which place is right for your pet.

63.   If you are considering using a kennel or cattery service, here are some things to look for when deciding which place is right for your pet.

64.   If you are still watering your lawn by hand, it may be time to consider using a sprinkler system instead.

65.   In cases where ground subsidence is anticipated, the panel recommends that the MTA consider using a more sophisticated boring machine that is better equipped to support loose soil.

66.   In fact, car seat companies such as Cosco and Century warn customers not to even consider using forward-mounted belts with their car seats.

67.   In Pinal County, recorders are considering using scanning machines to process ballots more efficiently.

68.   In some countries, like Italy, officials are considering using the army to transport and guard the money.

69.   In the past, he said, developers and the city had considered using the land for housing or a jail.

70.   In the past, Minna said, he had considered using telomerase as an early marker for cancer, but had put the idea on hold.

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