41.   McNealy said his company is considering filing its own antitrust case against Microsoft.

42.   McLennan County Commissioner Lester Gibson, one of the four who filed the suit, said Thursday he is considering filing a new lawsuit should other legal avenues fail.

43.   Philippine authorities said they also were considering filing criminal negligence charges as well as a civil lawsuit against Placer Dome and Marcopper officials.

44.   Prosecutor Norm Maleng may consider filing aggravated murder charges, which would carry the possibility of the death penalty if he later chooses to seek it.

45.   Philippine authorities said they also are considering filing criminal negligence charges as well as a civil lawsuit against Placer Dome and Marcopper.

46.   Sloan, now retired, said he considered filing a complaint against Lopez with the Missouri Bar after the trial.

47.   Should those avenues fail, Gibson said plaintiffs will consider filing a new lawsuit in state district court.

48.   Some liberal voters, who cannot bring themselves to vote for Sharon, are considering filing blank ballots as a protest against Barak.

49.   Some hotel owners are considering filing lawsuits to fight the restrictions.

50.   Some parents nearly lost their day care when the YWCA said it is considering filing for bankruptcy.

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