31.   The Breed Standard describes what is considered to be a perfect specimen of the breed.

32.   The existing arrangements of asking for police assistance when the presence of weapons is suspected are considered to be quite adequate.

33.   The ideal time to pursue the sport which many considered to be the purest form of hunting.

34.   The King appointed them to high offices of state, which the aristocracy and landed gentry considered to be their prerogative.

35.   The plaintiffs seek to investigate what they consider to be a serious and complicated fraud.

36.   The reasons for this we consider to be legitimate business affairs.

37.   The society had become so perverted by power and corruption that honest people were considered to be stupid.

v. to be >>共 175
appear 10.80%
seem 8.60%
have 8.12%
expect 5.99%
want 5.95%
believe 5.22%
go 3.96%
prove 3.87%
be 3.48%
use 3.41%
consider 1.19%
consider to v. >>共 147
be 78.11%
have 9.37%
replace 0.47%
provide 0.35%
represent 0.35%
help 0.29%
hold 0.23%
belong 0.23%
pose 0.23%
constitute 0.17%
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