91.   John Hancock will consider making acquisitions, Boudreau said.

92.   Johnson said he did not seriously consider making an NFL push.

93.   Jordan is considering making two appointments to the Recreation and Park Commission before he leaves office at noon Monday, City Hall sources said.

94.   McDonnell Douglas Corp. also considered making a larger plane before scrapping those plans and agreeing to merge with Boeing.

95.   Meanwhile, no responsible businessman will consider making an offer unless a new building is part of the mix.

96.   Mr. Natarajan had not considered making everything kosher.

97.   NASCAR officials considered making a change last year and did some tests at both tracks, but the conclusion was restrictor plates still were the best way to go.

98.   Nike is considering making golf clubs as well in the future, but Wood said the company had not made a final decision.

99.   Muennig is considering making the skylights retractable but worries that local wild pigs will come crashing down into the living room.

100.   Now, they are considering making another addition and are seriously courting the free agent Ben McDonald.

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